Now that Daryl has a comfy,new Harley Davidson Ultra Classic, I was able to go on the Kamloops "poker run" this year to raise money for Muscular Dystrophy. There were 850 Harley's carrying 1100 people from checkpoint to checkpoint throughout the Fraser canyon in 35 degree heat. (that's celcius for you Americans!) In our riding leathers it was incredibly hot! This year was the poker ride's 20th anniversary. This ride alone has raised over one million dollars to help those living with Muscular Dystrophy. We had a great time and put close to 1,400 km's on the bike. Here are a few pics of just a few of the Harley's, and one of Daryl and Rob (with whom we travelled.) The other picure was taken out the window of a bus that brought us to and from the banquet hall where the big party was after the poker run.