This entry also entitled (by Miss. Shayla) "Experience with Children and Cars" .... sounds like a very expensive painting at a fancy museum, doesn't it? My old 1987 Honda had a multitude of little problems and, after being nickel and dimed to death for the last six months, I finally bit the bullet and bought myself a new vehicle. With the help and expertise of my personal mechanic Daryl, I found a 2001 Volkswagon Jetta. Yea! It's so cute! It's a diesel, and I am averaging about 840 km's per tank in the city, so I am very happy with the milage I'm getting from it. It's a 1.8L automatic. Shayla would like me to add that it has seat warmers which will be very nice on our bums when it gets colder out. Also, she wants me to add that there are little speakers on the doors just above where you open them. Also, that there are spots in the middle seat to store your candy. Gavin would like me to add that there is a pop-out coffee holder in the front. Unfortunately, I've discovered that a black interior is not so condusive to cleanliness when it involves three kids, a blonde dog and an owner that has a tendancy to spill things. Oh well, so far it's working beautifully!
Ooo, sounds great! Chris was/is impressed with the mileage.
Ooh, very nice! Can't wait to see you!
Hey... isn't he a little young to be driving? :)
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