The house was built in 1990 and has not been updated or changed since, hence, we inherited many chandelier-style tinted glass ceiling fixtures. We also inherited peach coloured bathrooms with mauvy-purple sinks,toilets and tubs with surrounds that have big purple/blue iris' imprinted on them. Yes! Makes me want to garden every time I take a shower. Also to be enjoyed, were the brass cover plates on all the switches and outlets. It's a horrible flashback to something older than 1990, but hey.... crazy cat lady again. So far, Daryl has changed the sinks, toilets, plugs, switches and lights upstairs. Tubs and surrounds start tomorrow!
1 comment:
Irises you say. That would be interesting with the peach. I think your bathroom outshines our bathroom. The first thing, I did, was take off "rosy" burgundy wall paper. The house looks really nice.
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